

A space for reflection and contemplation

We believe in the importance of momentary moments without stimulus so that we, as humans, can reflect and understand what we are a part of. And it is precisely these moments that we will try to facilitate with our proposal - Room for Silence. Here is an oasis for silence in the middle of Roskilde Festival's wonderful chaos. A sensory-insulated, smartphone-free space that provides space for the quiet reflection and processing of yesterday's concert experience.

The festival's guests here get a refuge for consideration, which can help them understand and appreciate how unique an experience Roskilde Festival really is. At the same time, the room will facilitate different experiences than the festival otherwise delivers - from morning meditation, small intimate concert experiences, cermonies, lectures and readings, among a limited number of visitors.

Roskilde Festival has since its inception existed as a noise/rebellion's lighthouse, among the remaining quiet weeks of the year. Here, thousands of people, young and old, have been able to meet and gather together for a common love of music and art and thereby experience a truly unique sense of community. In other words, silence has never been Roskilde Festival's greatest priority. However, before smartphones and sound systems from C to P, it managed to sneak in now and then before the completely educated body went to some hours of sleep on the air mattress or in the early morning hours before the sun got up properly…

Room for Silence supports it quietly in the noisy and allows the continuous processing of the Roskilde experience; the community, the companionship, the art, the music and the meetings. For is it not exactly in the few moments of silence that come to pass in a day, that we find space and time to work, to understand and to consider what we are experiencing? Isn't it in these moments where we manage to feel what is going on in and around us?


SITE: Festivals, DENMARK


YEAR: 2018