


The present project reflects in several respects the given situation, both with regard to the sensitive context and the location, as well as with regard to the now existing extension or new construction of the hotel complex. Thus, a structure of high complexity was created with a clearly comprehensible articulation, which, with a certain playful approach, entered into the dialogue with the neighboring building, the Salzamt, but also with the surrounding landscape and its topography and orientation.

 On the one hand, the volume is formed as a curved extension of the existing object with a non-visible connection to its rear side. On the other hand, the volume is typed topographically into the U - shaped slope south of the Salzamt building. Along its radii, the volume is articulated as a backdrops, while at its two ends it is connected and running out as a vertical mass. In thought, we understand the new building as part of the landscape. Thus a harmonious relationship between the two volumes is created in a ruthless manner, without dominating. The new hotel adds a subtle backdrop to the Salzamt as a natural extension. The Salzamt building is not hampered by any new structures, and thus appears as the primary object of this constellation between old and new.

 The new hotel has 4 overground and 4 underground floors. Thus, in its entire height, it extends only just above the bend of the existing mansard moth roof and is markedly lower in its appearance than the salt velvet. On the ground floor is a new place around the two buildings and thus creates an attractive connection and viewpoint, which is performed by the gastronomy. Arriving hotel guests can reach the reception via a lift or via the existing stairs. The arrival is rewarded with a "wow" moment when you get out of the depths and is rewarded with a breathtaking view. All rooms are accessed from the ground floor via the reception via a separate elevator.

All rooms have unobstructed views of the lake and the surrounding mountains. The radius, however, makes the views differentiated. Thus, a return to the hotel is always a new experience. The view dominates the room




YEAR: 2016